The first AI educational course for middle school in Italy.
Lucy is the educational project implemented by Ammagamma
in collaboration with the Istituto Comprensivo IC3 Mattarella, in Modena.
What is Lucy
It is a STEAM educational project, active since the school year 2020/2021, integrating technical thinking and humanities.
The objective
To train new, young intelligences to dialogue with technology.
The approach
Using technology to create new interdisciplinary skills.
The methodology that stimulates a critical thinking
The methodology of Lucy is based on the teaching scheme proposed by the white paper “De arte intelligendi“, a document that studies the institutional state of the art on AI education and proposes a teaching methodology based on three sequential stages.
Pre para tion
Introduction to the context that made possible the development of AI
Part icipa tion
Scientific and technical insight into AI systems
Elab ora tion
Implementation of a project work for authentic learning