MaNIFESTO of Experiential Rationality

MaNIFESTO of Experiential Rationality

Proposal for a humanistic
conception of artificial intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence is radically transforming our ability to interpret and understand the reality in which we live. Every phenomenon is a complex system of related information, and each of them represents a valuable resource, capable of activating new capacities of interpretation and new opportunities for growth. We aim to enhance these resources through an explicit act of reaffirming human awareness, refined and enhanced by mathematics, as a tool for generating new visions and new opportunities for social development.

1. Man is an imperfect interpreter

1. Man is an imperfect interpreter

The desire to know implies the need to interpret. Human senses are limited, but thinking can generate new tools of knowledge.

Which tools does the Digital provide to improve human beings?
How do goals change which are the means and technologies useful to pursue them?

2. The world is a harmony of relationships to be cherished

2. The world is a harmony of relationships to be cherished

Symmetry and harmony are in everything. Reality is a complexity to be interpreted and fragilities to be guarded.

How to increase knowledge of reality while respecting its fragilities?
How to improve the efficiency of means of production with a view to environmental sustainability?

3. Mathematics is a constant quest

3. Mathematics is a constant quest

Mathematics is a constantly evolving science. Numbers can translate reality into a codified system that can be interpreted and shared.

How to put mathematics at the service of a better society?
How to make sure that mathematics continues to provide support and improvements to daily life?

4. Data compose an invisible architecture

4. Data compose an invisible architecture

Reality is representable as an architecture of data and relationships. Data is a resource to be discovered, understood, and valued.

How to obtain reliable data useful as resources?
How to manage existing data, or set up the management of future data, in a way that promotes their use?

5. Weak correlations are the hallmarks of uniqueness

5. Weak correlations are the hallmarks of uniqueness

Data are interconnected in a system of heterogeneous correlations. Understanding weak correlations means being able to correctly interpret the uniqueness of phenomena.

How to capture relevant correlations in a complex system?

6. Artificial  intelligence helps to understand reality

6. Artificial intelligence helps to understand reality

Human cognition is limited. Artificial intelligence can compensate for the limitations of the human mind and make even seemingly undecipherable reality interpretable.

What kind of artificial intelligence can support human intelligence instead of replacing it? What is it necessary to do to guide AI intelligently?

7. Knowledge generates responsibility

7. Knowledge generates responsibility

The ability to interpret reality enables the exercise of free will with greater awareness and responsibility.

What does responsibility mean in the digital world?
Who is responsible for what and when?

8. Rationality is sensitivity

8. Rationality is sensitivity

The rationality of mathematics is sensitive to the human dimension.
Perception helps to understand rationality.

How can mathematics be a tool for social inclusion?
How is it possible and why is it important to translate rationality into something perceptible?

Launch event

Full Video

Fabio Ferrari, Chairman Ammagamma

Luca Baraldi, Ammagamma

Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter

Round Table - Marco Alverà, Stefano Venier, Francesco Caio, David Bevilacqua

Fragility of mathematics and the Manifesto of Experiential Rationality

Ethics and data science

Round Table

Francesco Caio

Sabina Leonelli

Marco Alverà

Andrea Chiesi

Paolo Barbieri

Daryush Arabnia